Ademco PassPoint - Access Control System

Thứ bảy - 03/05/2008 10:57
PassPoint -It's smart, simple and secure. PassPoint Access Control -- it's a whole new kind of access control system. F-rom one point of access to 32 -- PassPoint goes the limit, readily adapting to the changing needs of its host business. Designed for simplicity of installation and operation, systems are pre-configured, and interface with compatible VISTA intrusion systems.

Ademco PassPoint - Access Control System


PassPoint -It's smart, simple and secure. PassPoint Access Control -- it's a whole new kind of access control system. F-rom one point of access to 32 -- PassPoint goes the limit, readily adapting to the changing needs of its host business. Designed for simplicity of installation and operation, systems are pre-configured, and interface with compatible VISTA intrusion systems. Rich software features enhance and support a full range of on-line and off-line system functions. Echelon's patented LONWORKS networking technology is the key to PassPoint's connectivity. With a network speed of 78 kbps, LONWORKS gives PassPoint the capacity to expand with ease and the power to outperform its competition.

Attended System (Proprietary)

Systems should be designed to be attended by an operator - including Alarm Monitoring and Acknowledgment, Graphical User Interface and real-time map display.

Unattended System (Remote Monitored)

Systems should be designed to interface with Commercial Burglar Alarm systems and include advanced features to reduce “false alarms"

EntryPass Access Control System

Nguồn tin: T-M J.S.C

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