STEEL FIRE RESISTANT DOORS (Classic Steel - Thailand)

Thứ bảy - 03/05/2008 11:14
GeneralSteel fire resistant doors (Classic Steel) are manufactured by PCJ Industry (Thailand). The products are complied with international standard, such as BS 476 part 20 and part 22 : 1987.Classic Steel products are divided in two ranges : Escape door and Accommodation's door, there are 2 models for each range : CSD (2h fire rating) and FRD (4h fire rating)

STEEL FIRE RESISTANT DOORS (Classic Steel - Thailand)


GeneralSteel fire resistant doors (Classic Steel) are manufactured by PCJ Industry (Thailand). The products are complied with international standard, such as BS 476 part 20 and part 22 : 1987.Classic Steel products are divided in two ranges : Escape door and Accommodation's door, there are 2 models for each range : CSD (2h fire rating) and FRD (4h fire rating)

Door specs




Accommodation's door


Door specs
Door leaf: 45mm thick, 1.0mm steel sheet
Khuôn bao : rộng 100mm, thép khung bao: 1.6mm
Door frame: 100mm wide, 1.6mm thick steel sheet
Door panel type: Flush Door, zinc phosphate coating prior to final coating by epoxy/polyester, cured in 200oC to get thick coat, adhesive, hard, shiny and excellent durability.
Include 3 sets of (Heavy duty) hinges

Typical door types:


Download Catalogue (PDF format, 821Kb)

Nguồn tin: T-M J.S.C

 Tags: classic steel

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